Monday, 23 December 2013

Corporate Office Headshot Photography

Samples of corporate photography captured in London offices. This style of business photography are often used to replace library and stock images that are used as generic corporate images. Using photos of your own staff and offices gives your website a more authentic look and gives potential clients a professional impression of your business.
office staff photography London
business staff photography London
corporate people in London offices
London corporate people photography
office staff photography London
Grantly Lynch © Corporate Photography Ltd. Further samples can be viewed on our corporate headshots blog.

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Social Media Business Headshots

Photographer Grantly Lynch
A selection of commissioned corporate headshots for use as avatars/profile photos on social media sites.  We tend to break down our corporate headshots service into three different styles. All are photographed at the client’s offices or London location.
These are a more formal and traditional style of headshot using studio lighting and with the subject looking to camera. The background is often a plain white or corporate colour.
LinkedIn-London-PhotographyPhotos for LinkedIn Profile London

Profile photos for LinkedIn LondonLondon LinkedIn photography

This set of LinkedIn corporate headshots have a more relaxed and informal style. These show the sitter in a natural pose and have the feel that they have been captured in a meeting in their business environment. These are often used to show a professional but more approachable side to the corporate identity.
business headshot for LinkedIn
professional headshot for LinkedIn

confident headshot for LinkedInbusiness headshot for LinkedIn

Professional headshot for LinkedInbusiness headshot for LinkedIn

The last style is a combination of using the formal approach but incorporating an element of a business office or location to add a more realistic feel to the corporate headshot.
professional business headshot for LinkedInDirector photo LinkedIn London

professional LinkedIn photos LondonCorporate LinkedIn Photos

Corporate Photographer and director at Corporate Photography Ltd
Please connect on our corporate headshots Google + or LinkedIn corporate photographer page