Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Mobile Professional Studio Headshots in London Offices.

Samples of recent corporate headshots captured on location in London offices using our professional mobile studio system.
Mobile studio headshots in London
Mobile studio headshots in London
Mobile studio headshots in London
Mobile studio headshots in London
Mobile studio headshots in London
Over the last year we have been building up our mobile studio set up so we can produce ‘studio’ style headshots at any location in London. Although this means lugging a little more kit around it enables us to capture contemporary headshots at client’s offices or individual’s homes. We have found that many businesses prefer the formal headshot but need to have a photographer visit them as taking employees away from their office interferes with the running of their business. We come on site and it takes approx 10-15 minutes to set up the background and the professional lighting. We can then capture a good range of portraits for each member of staff which gives a much more polished look to the company website ‘About Us’ page.
With many companies having remote workers and employees in different offices around the UK and across the globe, sometimes a conference or AGM is the only time everyone gets together in one place. We are often asked to take headshots on these occasions and they are normally at a function centre or hotel in London. With our mobile studio kit we can set up in a spare room and capture uniformed and consistent styles of headshots to either match existing current headshots or create a new look for the client.
Getting professional business portraits for your company has become a major factor in marketing as potential customers want to see who they are dealing with on your website or LinkedIn profile. Our studio system allows you to capture up to 60 staff in one day and we provide a pop back service to photograph any staff who were not in the office that day.

Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Corporate Headshots North Acton

Braiform contacted us and said their Global Board Members were meeting in North Acton London and thought that this would be a good opportunity to have everyone together and to get updated corporate headshots taken. Dan one of our London corporate photographers did this shoot and he focused on the lighting and the white background was added in post production.
business headshots in North Acton London
business portrait photography 2017 20
business portrait photography 2017 107
business portrait photography 2017 87
business portrait photography 2017 142

Monday, 13 February 2017

Contemporary Corporate Office Photography

Corporate office photography commission for our client LHH Penna at their refurbished offices in Gracechurch Street. Dan our corporate photographer in London has worked with this client over the last couple of years and knows their style and requirements well. They asked us to come in and capture the feel and working environment of their newly fitted out offices and we spent a day with their staff capturing generic images of the daily flow of their business and how the new space worked for them.
We tried to capture as many images in a reportage manner and avoid have to set up any shots. This works well up to a point but sometimes an area or situation that is on the shot list is not being used and we have to stage a photograph in this instance. Saying that you still can add elements of ‘fly on the wall’ as you can ask the people to talk about business or holidays just to keep them relaxed and avoid them focusing on the fact they are being photographed.
Most of these selection photos are to be used on their website as backgrounds and banner images. We photographed with this in mind as you have to shoot much wider to accommodate the banner crop and allow for the subjects to sit well within the photographic composition.
Gracechurch Street corporate office photography
Gracechurch Street corporate office photography
Gracechurch Street corporate office photography
Gracechurch Street corporate office photography
Gracechurch Street corporate office photography
Gracechurch Street corporate office photography
Gracechurch Street corporate office photography
Gracechurch Street corporate office photography
Gracechurch Street corporate office photography
Gracechurch Street corporate office photography
Gracechurch Street corporate office photography

Monday, 23 January 2017

Contemporary City Office Photography

Corporate photography commission for Skuld Services Ltd at their offices in Lime Street. We had captured some corporate headshots for their website and had around 15 minutes left over and decided to shoot some generic office images for their photo library. The client asked for something a bit more creative so we used the corporate colours and from around the office to bring a contemporary feel to the office interior photography.
London corporate office photography.
London corporate office photography.
London corporate office photography.
London corporate office photography.
© Corporate Photography Ltd

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Corporate Branding Headshots

Commission for Maintel at their offices in Blackfriars Road. They had sent us some sample shots from a previous shoot and wanted us to match the corporate branding colours that had been used in the background. We were struggling to find the right colour background screen to use and had decided to shoot the new headshots against a plain wall and then cut them out and drop them on a photoshopped background matching their corporate blue. When Dan arrived they were showing him into the boardroom so he could set up his lighting etc when they passed a feature wall in reception that matched their corporate colours. Dan suggested they do the shoot in the reception area as this would give them the exact match and save their budget being spent in post production work.
Corporate blue branding identity used in website headshots Blackfriars London
Corporate blue branding identity used in website headshots Blackfriars London
Corporate blue branding identity used in website headshots Blackfriars London
Corporate blue branding identity used in website headshots Blackfriars London